
Mailbag: Questions needed for upcoming candidate forums

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Local LWV to host candidate forums

The League of Women Voters of Glendale/Burbank will host four candidate forums in anticipation of the June 7, state primary election.

LWV Glendale/Burbank and the LWV Pasadena Area will jointly present two candidate forums on Tuesday, May 3. The first forum is for the candidates for the 25th State Senate District, beginning at 7 p.m. The second forum is for the candidates for the 5th County Supervisorial District, and will begin about 8:15 p.m.

LWV Glendale/Burbank, with the assistance of the LWV of Los Angeles, will present two additional candidate forums. The first forum is for the candidates for the 43rd Assembly District, beginning at 7 p.m. on Wednesday, May 4. The second forum is for the candidates for the 28th Congressional District, beginning at 7 p.m. on Friday, May 6.

All four forums will be presented in the Burbank City Council Chamber, 275 E. Olive Ave., Burbank. They will be televised live, with repeat broadcasts at various times prior to the election on Burbank Channel, as well as streaming on the city’s YouTube site.

We are currently soliciting questions from the public to be asked of the candidates at the various forums. Questions for the candidates can be submitted via telephone at (818) 925-4598 or via email:,,, and

The forums are open to the public and written questions can also be submitted on the night of each forum.

The League of Women Voters, a nonpartisan political organization, encourages informed and active participation in government, works to increase understanding of major public policy issues, and influences public policy through education and advocacy. Membership in the league is open to men and women of all ages. Join the league and be directly involved in shaping the important issues to keep our community strong, safe and vibrant.

Thomas Carson
President, LWV Glendale/Burbank


Enjoy but don’t touch the flowers

We are so fortunate to have the wild and vibrant Verdugo Mountains in the middle of our urban environment. In springtime, I enjoy hiking in the Verdugo Mountains where I view a rainbow of wildflowers blooming. The slopes filled with sage, oaks, sumac, and yucca, providing a diverse habitat for wildlife, butterflies, and bees. In particular, I love to see the spectacular orange flare of the California poppy, our state flower, whose glowing beauty cannot be missed.

Unfortunately, there are very few poppies along the lower portion of the fire road where I hike. Perhaps this is the result of people like the woman I met recently carrying a large poppy plant in full bloom. I told her that she shouldn’t pull out the wildflowers and that the wildflowers along the trail should be left for everyone to enjoy. The woman replied that it was OK because she was going to take it home and plant it in her backyard.

I told her she could buy a poppy plant for her yard at a local nursery (cost approximately $3). I also informed her that pulling out wildflowers from public land is a violation of law. (California Penal Code section 384a, $1,000 fine.) Even if someone just picks the flowers (which will quickly die), there will be fewer poppies next year, because then the plant’s seeds come from the flowers. If a few people pick the poppies, soon we will all be deprived of those beautiful golden bouquets in the hills. Just look, don’t touch, and everyone can enjoy the wildflowers.

Sarah Hill
