
Mailbag: Hoping the replacement terminal takes off with City Council

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Thoughts on proposed airport terminal

The draft environmental impact report for the replacement terminal at the Burbank Airport is currently before the City Council. It is my hope that the council will approve this important part of the process leading us to be able to vote for Measure B on the Nov. 8 ballot.

A “yes” vote by the citizens of Burbank on Measure B will allow the Airport Authority to build a terminal that serves us with safety and the modern amenities that make things the best they can be for the traveling public. In addition, by establishing the supermajority voting policy, it will give the city of Burbank the protections needed to control what happens at the airport.

Linda Walmsley


An idea for a weekly feature

The Leader is my main source for information about Burbank: citywide events, local issues, goings on of clubs, schools and organizations, adult centers, crimes, obituaries, new businesses, etc. Thank you very much.

I would like to make a suggestion for a new weekly feature: At most of our City Council meetings, proclamations and awards are presented. Although many Burbank residents view the meetings live on TV or online at a later time, it would be nice if the Leader could document these presentations.

For example, at the May 24 meeting, presentations were made for: the Leadership Burbank Graduating Class, the 2015-16 National PTA Reflections Program Winner (a high school student), Older Americans Month (a proclamation) and Older American Month Volunteer Service Awardees. These types of recognition reflect the good works of residents of all ages, interest groups, schools, etc. in the city. In other words, the “Best of Burbank” for non-businesses. Would you please consider providing a brief description of these awards and proclamations on a weekly basis? Thank you.

Cynthia Leva


Thanks after a campaign journey

When we began our recent journey seeking a seat in the state Assembly, we knew we had a steep hill to climb. We wanted to rethink policies that impact critical areas of our lives, especially how we support kids. We sought to do so free from the influence of outside special interest money. No one could accuse us of setting our sights too low.

Nor could they say that the result was the consequence of something less than the extraordinary passion and integrity of people too numerous to name. That desire matched with a humbling commitment to action permitted us to knock on 50,000 doors, engage in thousands of conversations that could not be contained by mailers, and earn the confidence of about 10,000 voters.

Supporters believed in a brand of politics that lived up to the expectations we should rightfully have for those seeking to represent us. I am proud of our staff, volunteers and supporters who represented a positive vision that never shied from nuance and maintained a commitment to our motivating principle: A campaign should engage our community in the vital conversation of how we improve together.

While I was unable to deliver a victory, the pride we have should be resolute, as is my gratitude to all those who made it possible. I embarked on this journey as a continuation of my desire to serve. The only thing that has changed is the platform on which that service will take place. I am as committed as ever to those aims and am newly committed to reforming our politics, especially how they are financed.

Thank you for your investment in this work. And, on a personal note, thank you for allowing me to learn and grow from an experience usually reserved for those with a few more miles on the odometer.

Andrew J. Blumenfeld

Silver Lake

The writer, a former president of the La Cañada Unified School District Governing Board, sought the seat representing the 43rd District in the state Assembly. He came in fourth in the June primary election; Glendale Councilwoman Laura Friedman and Glendale City Clerk Ardy Kassakhian led the way and will head to a November runoff.
