
Mailbag: Now is the time to fix housing issue

A home on the 1800 block of North Evergreen Street in Burbank is available for sale in this file photo taken on July 25, 2008.

A home on the 1800 block of North Evergreen Street in Burbank is available for sale in this file photo taken on July 25, 2008.

(Roger Wilson / Burbank Leader)
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Re: “Rent and home prices in Burbank are higher than residents can afford, city official says,” Nov. 5. There is an extreme shortage of affordable housing in Burbank, and what does our City Council intend to do about it? Well, City Manager Ron Davis suggests “holding a few more study sessions ... before deciding to move forward with any decisions.” This man just loves to hear himself pontificate.

Mayor Jess Talamantes suggests “forming a blue-ribbon committee ... to figure ways to address the housing issue.” Another pontificator. This empty talk is typical of our do-nothing city leaders. Am I mad about what they propose? You bet I am.

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If the city ever does find a solution to affordable housing (and I strongly doubt it will), it is going to be too late for people who need a place to live now. After residing in my small, rented studio house for the past 14 years, I have been given notice to move because my landlord decided that he can charge a lot more money for this rental. Because I am retired and living on a fixed income and because I have a pet, it is nearly impossible to find another place to live in Burbank. However, if I do find something here, I expect to pay at least 50% (maybe more) of my gross monthly income for rent.

Molly Shore
