
Mailbag: Ready to stand against hate

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We cannot let hate, fear and prejudice become the new norm or the law of the land in this country. Since the general election more than 300 reported hate crimes against Muslims, immigrants, African Americans, Hispanic Americans, Asian Americans, LGBTQ people and Jewish people have occurred. Many of these crimes occurred in California. These attacks have not stopped.

My parents and grandparents escaped from Germany and survived the Holocaust. We are fortunate that the young people in Burbank will receive the truth about the Nazis coming into power in Germany.

The German people stood by silently while the Nazis rounded up their neighbors and threw them in concentration camps to be murdered. We cannot be “good Germans,” but rather good Americans who speak out against hate, racism and bigotry.

David Meyerhof


Headed to the state Senate

My wife Ellen and our daughters, Bella and Sofia, join me in expressing our sincerest appreciation to everyone who walked a precinct, made phone calls, posted or tweeted a positive message, financially contributed, endorsed and sent well-wishes and positive thoughts about our campaign for the state Senate. Collectively and collaboratively, it made a huge difference for our wining effort. Thank you!

I also want to extend my personal gratitude to Supervisor Mike Antonovich for his long and distinguished service to the County of Los Angeles and the residents of the 5th District. His legacy has been stellar and there is much for all of us to appreciate in his work.

Recently, Dr. Robert Ross gave a keynote address at the YWCA Racial Justice breakfast where he mentioned that the problems, challenges and opportunities facing California and America don’t go away after the polls close and winners are declared. He is right. I’m honored to have been trusted and supported by friends and neighbors across the 25th Senate District with this amazing opportunity. I look forward to working to the best of my ability to meet those challenges and continue to make a positive difference for our district.

Anthony J. Portantino
State Senator-Elect

La Cañada Flintridge
