
Mailbag: Choirs swept the competition

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Congratulations to the Burroughs High School Vocal Music Assn. for sweeping the national championship show choir competition in Richmond, Va., this past weekend! Both show choirs, Powerhouse and Sound Sensations, swept all major awards in their competition categories.

On Sunday the 125 young people were bused to Washington, D.C., where they were to spend two days touring our nation’s capitol. They were scheduled for a White House tour on Tuesday morning before flying home later in the day. Brendan Jennings and his staff of outstanding vocal coaches and choreographers deserve our thanks for providing so many wonderful opportunities for our children. All of us are enriched by the music and arts taught in our Burbank schools.

Elliott Porter


We’ve taken a left turn for the worse

The left-turn arrow at busy intersections is so helpful and I’m sure intended to mitigate dangerous turning situations. However, it seems drivers have gotten more brazen and believe it’s acceptable to make left turns even when the light turns red. From my observations it seems that this dangerous situation has significantly worsened. Every day, at almost every busy intersection, I see this terrible practice with near-miss accidents occurring regularly.

The other day I was traveling east on Magnolia Boulevard waiting at the Buena Vista Street traffic light. The left-turn arrow was clearly red, and a driver decided it was still OK to make the turn traveling at a high rate of speed through the intersection and onto Magnolia and continued accelerating even faster on Magnolia. I thought maybe the driver had an emergency of some kind, only to see him pull over and park at the federal credit union. This is just crazy. These drivers are placing the public in danger, especially pedestrians in crosswalks.

Can anything be done to slow this unlawful terrible traffic practice that seems to be getting worse? I’ve never seen the Burbank Police stationed at these intersections issuing tickets. Is there anything the Burbank Police can do? The public deserves some assistance to minimize this outrageous and dangerous situation.

Robert Feldman


Burbank needs Sharon Springer

I know of no one more qualified nor dedicated to the city of Burbank than Sharon Springer. I know she is the most dedicated and hard-working candidate. I first met her several years ago when she and I turned a vacant ugly lot to a productive garden for the kids at Burbank Community Day School. She and I have maintained the garden in the summer as well, and the benefits and influence it has had on student lives has been amazing.

Sharon has served on so many committees. That fact, as well as her master’s degree in city planning, make her the ideal candidate for Burbank City Council. Her generous spirit, giving of time and effort is unlimited. Burbank needs her.

Teddi Shattuck


Springer an active community asset

I am so happy and honored to endorse Sharon Springer for a seat on the Burbank City Council. I have known Sharon for over 10 years and am so impressed with her passion and commitment to social and environmental causes. Sharon is always trying to do the right thing. She has been involved with water issues, sustainable gardening and alternative transportation long before they were “hot button issues.” She has gone out of her way to provide education and services to senior citizens and at-risk youth.

As a property owner in Burbank, I was very concerned about the traffic issues that the new IKEA store would bring. I was present at a Burbank City Council meeting in which Sharon addressed these and other problems that the new IKEA would potentially bring, and thought she offered some practical solutions. From my perspective, she was one of the few speakers who challenged the existing plan for IKEA. We need leaders who are independent thinkers without personal agendas, and Sharon fits the bill.

I am most impressed with Sharon’s work on behalf of at-risk youth. She has volunteered countless hours to make a difference in the lives of teenagers who have limited options, and has provided them opportunities to learn, grow and head in the right direction with her community garden and cooking program at the Burbank Community Day School. She also volunteers with Bike Angels and provides refurbished bikes to children from low-income families. Sharon is also involved with senior citizens and housing concerns. She has boundless energy and compassion and will serve Burbank well. I look forward to all that she will accomplish as our newest Burbank City Council member. Thank you for your time.

Vicki Sarandi DeLuca


Honored to vote for Springer

I am a physically close neighbor and 20-year-plusclose friend of Sharon Springer and had the distinct honor of supporting her through the loss of her husband Lee. Though devastated by that loss, Sharon jumped right into an issue affecting our street, the speeding traffic down steep and curvy Tujunga Avenue. Her efforts paid off and stop signs were added to intersections at the middle and bottom of the hill, which made our lives easier and the speeding drivers safer.

More recently, a high-density unlicensed drug rehab business was opened on our residential street. Sharon was successful in leading a campaign to mitigate the issue and the rehab house is no longer operating.

In short, the residents and businesses of Burbank could not find a better advocate then Sharon Springer. I ask for your vote for Sharon Springer.

Jim Carroll
