
Letters to the Editor: Readers share thoughts about possible fire personnel cuts, development-assistance programs

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After attending the Burbank City Council meeting May 9, I must voice my concerns as a citizen of Burbank.

Upon hearing the city’s budget proposal for the upcoming fiscal year, I learned of the city’s possible intent to eliminate three firefighter positions.

It was explained to the council that these positions are currently vacant and being filled with overtime shifts from current staff.

The firefighters’ union president spoke to the council as well, and I strongly urge the council to side with the firefighters when it comes to this issue, and that is to fill these vacancies, so that our fire personnel can continue to perform at the nationally recognized level that they do.

The Burbank Fire Department has always done a tremendous job protecting our community. And if there is one division that should never see the elimination of staff, it is certainly the area of public safety.

Lillian Davis


Cutting fire personnel a huge mistake

I saw the proposal for fire personnel cuts during the council meeting on TV. I was disappointed to see the City Council may be willing to sacrifice public safety to save a few bucks.

One of the great things about Burbank has always been the fast response times by both Burbank Fire and Police departments.

To cut back on what makes a city great is a huge mistake.

Shaun Moise


Many mothers need development-assistance programs

Mother’s Day is when we celebrate the efforts of moms everywhere to deliver on the promise they make to us when we’re born: to nurture and protect us so we can reach our full potential.

But no matter how hard some moms try, they don’t have the know-how or resources to ensure their babies get the nutrition they need to grow and develop properly.

President Trump’s budget proposes a hefty cut to development-assistance programs that help moms deliver on their promises to children. I’m calling on our senators and representative to speak to leadership in the Senate and House about protecting effective development-assistance programs, particularly nutrition programs. What better gift to ask for this Mother’s Day?

Bryna Schreier


Find a better location for bike rack

I’m writing about the bicycle rack in front of Tony’s Darts Away. Has anyone seen it lately? Has anyone ever seen a bicycle parked in it?

The leaves and street debris is so piled up and it looks awful. Maybe the rack would do better on a safe part of the sidewalk so that the street sweeper can do its job. Put it near Porto’s or somewhere other than in front of a bar, where families can ride their bikes, park them and shop or have a bite to eat.

It’s great that the city wants to encourage alternative transportation, but it looks terrible where it’s at. It serves no purpose other than a trash collector.

Susan Deal

