
Letters to the Editor: DeBell Golf Course’s subpar performance draws jeers, tears

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That the city of Burbank’s fiscal outlook remains dim is due in no small part to the stupidity of City Council members past and present.

Case in point: The money-sucking albatross Councilman Jess Talamantes calls “the jewel on the hill,” better known as DeBell Golf Course. Finally council members have come to the realization that the golf course cannot sustain itself as an Enterprise Fund. But it has taken millions in city loans to DeBell (loans which have yet to be repaid) and a looming budget crisis for these geniuses to reach this conclusion.

Six years ago I became aware of what I termed “the DeBell debacle.” My numerous appearances at council meetings and letters to the editor in the Leader regarding DeBell were to no avail.

In a June 18, 2011, Leader article, “Council defends DeBell loan,” then Councilman Gary Bric predicted that DeBell “supported itself before and it will support itself in the future.”

Two years later in a Leader article dated April 27, 2013, “DeBell is given another reprieve by council,” council members and management personnel continued to insist that DeBell would one day become solvent.

During the time that the council was propping up DeBell, it was simultaneously reducing or eliminating services and programs like the reduced monthly bus pass for seniors that benefits a far greater number of Burbank citizens than those few who golf.

I wonder how council members would feel about supporting DeBell if the money came directly out of their personal checkbooks. It seems that whenever politicians spend taxpayer dollars there is no limit to how much they will waste, and DeBell is a perfect example of that waste. If the city wasn’t facing another serious budge shortfall, I believe a majority of council members would still insist on shoveling money into this faltering enterprise.

Molly Shore



DeBell has been my home course since taking up golf 13 years ago. Its layout, maintenance and green fees make it one of the best values in L.A. County. I read in the Leader about the financial troubles the course is experiencing. Low turnout was cited as one of the reasons. There was no mention of the months of rainy weather that may have played a part. The planned rate deductions really aren’t going to help fix the problem.

How about getting rid of some fairway restrictions for cart riders? It will not only speed up the round, but could prevent a coronary. Take the third and 16th holes. An errant shot often results in some hill-climbing, a bit difficult for many 70- and 80-year-old regulars. Definitely get rid of that industrial-grade sand that makes bunkers feel like concrete pits. They’re the worst among local courses. And, increase the green fees a few bucks.

Maybe a couple of changes won’t make a difference. But it’s better than reading about DeBell in the obit section.

Joe Ramirez

