
Letters to the Editor: Nestlé official responds to letter critical of conservation record; teen touts Burroughs High political organization

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Nestlé is proud of our employees’ long history of community service, so it was disappointing to read the recent letter to the Leader concerning our National Day of Volunteering. Last week, dozens of our employees across California volunteered at river clean-ups, tree plantings and recycling-education events, giving back to the communities in which they work and live.

But Nestlé’s commitment is not limited to one special day. In 1993, we worked with the United States Forest Service, NGO’s and others to develop a private-public nonprofit, the Southern California Mountains Foundation. Nestlé has been a partner for nearly 25 years. Our employees have participated in Crest to Coast cleanup projects with Water Keepers, San Gabriel Mountains graffiti removal and canyon cleanup, with local nonprofits focused on improving water quality for our local communities. Other volunteer events throughout the state include working with the Red Cross, California Office of Emergency Services and many others. In 2014, we helped found the California Water Action Collaborative, a coalition that brings together organizations including the Nature Conservancy and World Wildlife Fund to protect California’s water future. A partnership with Cucamonga Valley Water District to construct and operate a biological groundwater treatment project has restored an additional 250 million gallons of clean drinking water annually for area residents.

Readers should know that our operations at our spring sources meet the highest standards of sustainability. Our Natural Resource team consistently monitors and cares for the springs, supporting long-term healthy habitats.

Nestlé is proud of our efforts to promote sustainability throughout California and will continue looking for new ways to expand our water-conservation outreach.

Larry Lawrence

Natural Resource Manager

Nestlé Waters North America


I am writing in response to “Local student helps organize inaugural Youth Political Activism Day” in the Leader (Aug. 23). I am a senior at Burroughs High School in Burbank. I am also the president of JBHS Junior State of America (JSA). JSA is the oldest, largest student-run, nonpartisan political organization in the United States and Burroughs JSA is the three-time winner of the National Civic Impact Award and winner of the California Civic Learning Award of Merit from the California Department of Education.

The Leader article directly points out the importance of civic education. Burroughs JSA has been doing this, is continuing to do this, and has been winning awards for doing this. Sam Gorman, whom we wish the best of luck at Stanford, is quoted as saying, “As a teen, I feel strongly that teens should have the opportunity to be involved in our political progress.” Students at Burroughs have been doing this every Thursday for 10 years with debates on important issues. Students at Burroughs have been doing this every month with guest speakers such as state Sen. Anthony Portantino, Rep. Adam Schiff and state Treasurer John Chiang.

Students at Burroughs have been doing this every Spring Break, visiting Los Angeles City Hall and the L.A. County Board of Supervisors. Students at Burroughs have been doing this annually by showing that civic engagement means giving back to the community by raising money for Camp Ronald McDonald and the Burbank Temporary Aid Center.

As a teen, I agree with Gorman completely. That’s why we at Burroughs JSA are heavily involved in our political process.

Oliver Eccleston

