
Letters to the Editor: School dress codes, police pursuits, an ‘In Theory’ question and work of the Coordinating Council inspire missives

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Regarding the latest controversy over dress codes in schools: The opinions voiced by the students sound immature and show a lack of consideration for others. They should be reminded that school is a place of business and not a place to show off.

When I attended Burbank High, we had a dress code — no sundresses, no sandals, no short skirts — and yet we were wearing extreme styles, bleaching our hair and slathering on makeup until we looked like barroom hussies. It embarrasses me when I look back.

Wearing provocative clothes gives the wrong impression and isn’t conducive to learning. The board of education is in charge and knows best about what is appropriate. The students have no right to overrule their decisions.

Grace E. Hampton



I question the importance of using prime TV news time to show police cars in pursuit of DUIs, reckless drivers, theft suspects or anyone else.

With hurricanes, fires, earthquakes and murders that have to be reported, the time taken for pursuit coverage doesn’t make sense. Years ago the media agreed not to show such activities because it encouraged more publicity seekers. If anyone needs to see weird driving, just get into your car and start driving.

N-E-W-S represents North, East, West and South, not just our local area.

Talbert E. Kanigher



Re: This week’s “In Theory: Does PETA twist doctrine when it equates animal rights to human rights?”

At LAMBS, PETA’s Christian outreach division, we believe that being made in the image of God is a call to compassion and mercy, not dominance and violence. After all, we are told in Genesis 1:29-30 that the Garden of Eden was vegan; there was no killing. Life flourished in harmony among humans, animals and the land.

Nothing in the Bible supports modern-day factory farming practices, which inflict hellish pain and suffering upon billions of gentle animals every year. As Matthew Scully, conservative Christian and former speechwriter for George W. Bush, has eloquently expressed, we shouldn’t view being given “dominion” as a license to abuse animals but rather as a test of our ability to be faithful stewards, and to empathize with our fellow members of God’s creation.

Indeed, in Matthew 25:40 — the verse that inspired LAMBS — Jesus says, “[w]hatever you do unto the least among my brothers and sisters, you do as unto me.” With so few legal protections, animals are truly “the least” among us — and in dire need of our compassion and mercy. There’s nothing merciful about crowding animals into filthy factory farms, mutilating them and, ultimately, killing them — especially when healthy, delicious vegan foods (which God originally intended humans to eat) are plentiful and readily available.

I encourage my fellow Christians — and anyone else who wants to learn more — to visit for tips, vegan recipes, inspiring testimonials, and more information about making the merciful choice to go vegan.

Melissa Wilson


Norfolk, Va.


Burbank Coordinating Council is beginning its 84th year of service to the Burbank community with a meeting on Monday, Oct. 2, at Little White Chapel at noon. Everyone is welcome to attend. Cost is $12 for lunch.

Special guest speakers will be the directors of the summer camp programs that hosted our 113 Campership recipients. We scheduled 113 low-income children for day camp, or resident camp, and to everyone who donated in order to make this amazing program happen, thank you! You made a difference in those children’s lives. Come and hear the stories of the campers.

Membership is $15 per individual and $20 per organization annually. We share information on upcoming events, help one another through our camperships, backpacks, and of course, holiday baskets. It is time to sign up as either a recipient or donor for holiday baskets. Our first food drive wil be held from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. on Saturday, Oct. 14. For more information call (818) 238-7647 or (818) 216-9377. To RSVP for the luncheon meeting, call (818) 842-6361. Check out the website for forms:

Janet Diel


Burbank Coordinating Council
