
Letters to the Editor: Invitation extended to public to participate in Walk Bike Burbank this Sunday

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Walk Bike Burbank is hosting the first Burbank Bicycle Festival this Sunday, Oct. 1, from noon to 4 p.m. at Edison Elementary School (at Keystone Street and Chandler Boulevard). The purpose of the bicycle festival is to inform parents and students about the upcoming Walk and Bike to School Day on Wednesday, Oct. 4, and to help them prepare to participate. Walk and Bike to School Day is a national event coordinated by the National Center for Safe Routes to School.

Certified bicycling instructors, trained by the League of American Bicyclists, other experienced cyclists and mechanics from Walk Bike Burbank and local bike shop employees will conduct a skills course for youth, bike maintenance and repair programs and other skills training for bicyclists and their parents. High school tech tutors will also demonstrate apps parents can use on their phones or tablets to plan walking and bicycling routes to schools and other local destinations. Bike Bike Baby will also be on hand with family-friendly bike equipment.

The event is open to the public and all are welcome to attend. This event is also supported by other community and business groups, including the Burbank TMO, local bikes shops and student volunteers. Be sure to bring your bicycle — regardless of its condition — and we can help ensure that your student is ready to ride or walk on Bike and Walk to School Day!

Patti Hollis

Walk Bike Burbank

Special Events Coordinator and Liaison to Schools
