
Letters to the Editor: Cyclists have their own bridge; locals invited to help commemorate Warsaw Ghetto Uprising

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Regarding the article in the Burbank Leader about Doug Weiskopf’s court case and subsequent letters to the editor about cyclists versus equestrians on the Mariposa Street bridge, one fact that has not been addressed is that once the bridge is crossed there is nowhere cyclists can legally travel.

All the paths are restricted to pedestrians and equestrians — there are many signs posted that bicycles are not allowed on the paths — and the municipal code is noted at the bottom of the signs.

This is not a situation where one party is not sharing with another. If the city of Burbank allowed bicycles on the bridge, the city would be allowing and granting permission for cyclists to break the law.

The cyclists have their own, newly constructed bridge crossing dedicated to just cyclists to the east of the Mariposa Street bridge, with a second cyclist dedicated bridge planned just west of the Mariposa Street bridge.

Apparently, this isn’t enough.

Lisa Dyson



This is a very special year. It is the 75th anniversary of the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising during World War II. It was the single most important act of rebellion by Jews against the Nazis in Poland.

To commemorate this, Burbank Human Relations Council is presenting the radio play of the Battle of the Warsaw Ghetto at 7 p.m. on April 19 at the Community Services building, under the direction of Rabbi Sobel. It will be readers’ theater, so script in hand. Three rehearsals and one performance will complete the program.

The community is welcome to attend the program. Open auditions will be held at 7 p.m. on both Feb. 21 and March 1 at Temple Beth Emet, 600 N. Buena Vista. Call the Burbank Human Relations Council at (818) 860-2472 for information.

Service learning hours are offered for high school students who participate. Please consider coming to participate in this important program. I look forward to seeing all aspiring performers soon.

David Meyerhof

Board member

Burbank Human Relations Council
