
Letters to the Editor: Parking scofflaws should be cited; cyclist facing trial in Mariposa Bridge case says it will be one-of-a-kind

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Re: “Permits are an undo burden,” Mailbag, March 10. Jane Harrison made several good points in her letter regarding residents paying for permits. I just got my new ones, three at $30 each or $90 for the next three years. I have no problem with that since we requested permit-only parking some years ago but were only granted two-hour parking restrictions.

My complaint is that the senior daycare place on a nearby corner seemingly got many of their employees handicap placards so they are allowed to park for several hours at will. Even their minibus parks and flouts the regulations at times. This blatant act of taking advantage of the system should be eliminated, and the city could collect from fining these questionable end-runs around the restrictions.

Gary Glasser



For those who may be following my Burbank legal case regarding the misdemeanor charge against me for the crime of walking my bicycle across the public Mariposa Street bridge, which at the time was empty of any other traffic, it has been scheduled for a jury trial on the morning of March 28 at the Burbank Courthouse, 300 E. Olive Ave.

If found guilty I could receive a jail sentence of up to six months, all because the bullies from the nearby Rancho neighborhood insist that bicycles are a threat to their horses, despite the fact that nobody can cite a single incident where a bike was involved in an accident with a horse in the 80-year history of the bridge. The neighborhood horse bullies, however, were able to flood a Burbank City Council meeting in early 2016 with shouting members of their posse to demonize bicyclists and intimidate the council members into voting this ridiculous law into existence.

This is a trial that I can say with confidence will be totally unique, as Burbank stands alone in all the world as a place where someone can get in trouble with the law for being safely in possession of their own bicycle on a public space. I found from an internet search that there used to be laws prohibiting women from possessing bicycles in Saudi Arabia and North Korea, however several years ago those laws were changed, thus making my upcoming trial in Burbank truly a one-of-a-kind legal event.

Doug Weiskopf

