
Letters to the Editor: Coordinating Council president calls on Burbankers to support youth during these unsettling times

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Monday, April 2, is a special day for Burbank Coordinating Council. The speaker at our luncheon meting will be Laurie Bleick, executive director of Family Service Agency of Burbank. She’ll share information about the upcoming Carewalk, and all the programs that they coordinate to serve the mental health of our students at Burbank schools as well as families in need.

There is so much need for support these days with unsettling situations in the schools as well as stresses and issues in the homes. We are lucky to have FSA counselors available both on school campuses and at their center to be the “safe person” to many of our students.

The meeting is at Little White Chapel, 1711 N. Avon, at noon, and the cost is only $12 for lunch. Please RSVP to Doris (818) 842-6361. We hope all our organizations will attend and share their upcoming events too, so we can all support one another!

And of course, it is Campership season, time to collect funds and applications to send more than 100 low-income, at-risk or homeless children to a week of day camp or resident camp. There is a list of ways to help, and of course you can always make a donation through Paypal on our website. Coins for Campers bottles for contests are available too. If you want to participate, call us at (818) 216-9377.

The campership application deadline has been extended to April 27. This program, a product of Noon Kiwanis and BCC, has provided much needed respite for children since 1936! Make this a special month to support children and mental health

Janet Diel


Burbank Coordinating Council
