
Letters to the Editor: Burbank street repaving project, parks and rec programs receive kudos from readers this week

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Thank you to Burbank for finally repaving the streets in the Rancho district. I had given up cycling on Riverside Drive because it was so bumpy from all the cracks and potholes. Now it is a very pleasant ride.

I hope there is money left in the budget to continue repaving the even worse section between Buena Vista Street and Warner Bros.

The people who want to repeal the gas tax meant for improving our streets do not take into account the long-term costs of wear and tear to our vehicles.

Marshall Harvey



I am 12 years old, I have lived in Burbank all my life and I have participated in Burbank Park and Recreation sports and classes since I was a little kid. Some of the things I’ve done are volleyball, baseball, flag football, basketball, pottery, art and karate. I’ve learned a lot and made many friends.

I would like to ask the Burbank Leader to write something about how Burbank Parks and Recreation needs more adults to coach and teach its sports and classes. The programs help bring the community together and help people learn and do cool things. Thank you very much for considering my request.

Hans Schierholt



Re: The April article about the memorial service for Burbank Mayor Will Rogers: My sympathy goes out to the family of Rogers, with the loss of their husband and father from such a dreadful disease at such a young age.

My family and I will pray (audibly not silently), for them that they will be comforted in their loss and give them strength to endure during this difficult time.

I would like to bring to your attention that God does not need to supply our worldly identifications to be welcomed and prove his existence. All we need to look at is the beauty of his creation, the universe and how he made humankind in his own image. It is only because of mankind’s disobedience and political correctness that we are in the mess we are because of our fallen nature.

The afterlife is indeed awaiting all of us, the choice is ours though, if it will be great or not.

John Janssen

