
Letters to the Editor: Couples write to say parcel tax Measure QS is a valuable investment in Burbank schools

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We are writing to support Measure QS. As parents of students at Burbank Unified School District, we feel fortunate to live in Burbank, a community that values education and supports the growth and development of our youth.

Our schools are comprised of innovative leaders, dedicated teachers and engaged parents, making our schools some of the best in the state. Burbank schools strive to provide a robust education focused on the whole child.

We love and appreciate the commitment our teachers and support staff make to our students on a daily basis. Our children are truly fortunate that they can cultivate a love for lifelong learning at our local neighborhood school.

As an educator at a private school and an invested parent at our Burbank schools, I (Sarah Escobar) am able to see the differences between a public school and a private school, and feel that Burbank has the vision and talent to contend with most private schools. Unfortunately, the funding for public schools does not keep up with the needs of our children. There is work to be done!

That is why we are supportive of Measure QS. We feel a modest contribution of $14 to 18 per month is the most valuable investment we can make as community. It’s an investment in the quality of education our children receive. As advocates for our children, community and schools we strongly urge you to join us in supporting our learning community and vote yes for QS!

Sarah and David Escobar



We are voting yes on Measure QS, and you should too. One of the things that makes Burbank such a great city and a wonderful community is the public school system.

In addition to our own utility and fire and police departments, we bought a home here over 13 years ago because of Burbank’s schools. Burbank Unified students, including ours, enjoy access to lower class sizes, fantastic teachers, a robust arts program, wellness programs, and STEM and GATE programs. The state is only funding the local school systems at the 2008 level, and without our passage of this measure, some, if not all, of these attributes will be deeply impacted.

Having a great school system benefits all of us. As property owners, it increases the value of our homes and makes them more desirable to potential buyers or renters. Businesses want to be located in a vibrant city, and great schools motivate employees to want to live and work in the same community. In addition, our senior neighbors will not be negatively impacted. All they have to do is submit an exemption request.

An adequately funded school system provides the instruction and programs that prepare today’s students to be tomorrow’s leaders, the next generation of Burbank doctors, lawyers, police officers, firefighters, community activists, teachers, business owners, etc. We need to join together as a community to support our schools and vote to provide the additional funding this measure will provide. For us it’s about $14 per month, and we know it’s well worth the investment. A vote for QS is a vote for quality schools, a vote for stronger community.

Cindi and Brian Smith

