
High-speed rail, pensions and budget all on Capitol agenda

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The next two weeks are expected to be busy ones in the state Capitol.

For starters, Democrats and Gov. Jerry Brown continue to haggle over the incomplete budget sent by lawmakers to the governor’s desk Friday. Brown has until June 27 to sign or veto the spending plan. He can also eliminate some spending unilaterally with his line-item veto authority.

Brown’s chief objections to the Democrats’ budget remain their plan to suspend work requirements and job training programs for welfare recipients, and the budget’s use of $250 million in property tax revenues to balance the state’s books that Brown wants to go to counties.

Democrats are also planning to take up funding for the state’s high-speed rail project, which has been a priority for Brown. Lawmakers must decide whether they want to go along with Brown’s wishes and authorize the sale of about $2.7 billion in voter-approved bonds to fund the next phase of the project.

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-- Anthony York, Los Angeles Times
