
Region’s entertainment job market shows new strength

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Hollywood’s jobs picture has brightened considerably over the last two months.

The film, television and music industries in Los Angeles County generated 131,600 jobs in March, up 7.9% from February and 12.6% from the same month a year ago, according to the latest state employment data compiled by the Los Angeles County Economic Development Corp.

The figures -- which do not count those who work as freelancers or independent contractors -- show a marked turnaround from January, when employment in the motion picture and sound recording sector plunged to just 106,500 jobs, the lowest level since January 2001.

PHOTOS: Hollywood Backlot moments

In fact, March’s jobs total was the highest level in L.A.’s entertainment sector since late 2008, noted Robert Kleinhenz, chief economist for the LAEDC.

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-- Richard Verrier, Los Angeles Times
