
Schiff calls court decision a positive step for gay marriage rights

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Rep. Adam Schiff (D-Burbank) called a federal appellate court’s decision on Tuesday to deny an appeal against Proposition 8 -- paving the way for aU.S. Supreme Court decision on gay marriage -- “another step towards marriage equality.”

The decision by the U.S. 9th Circuit Court of Appeals marked the latest chapter for the ongoing legal over Proposition 8, which was passed by California voters in November 2008. The measure reinstated a ban on same-sex nuptials six months after the state Supreme Court had struck it down on state constitutional grounds.

Two same-sex couples, including a gay couple in Burbank, then sued in federal court, contending that Proposition 8 violated the U.S. Constitution.

Schiff released a statement on Tuesday supporting the latest development.

“Today’s ruling by the 9th Circuit – not to revisit its decision striking down Prop 8 – is another step towards marriage equality,” he said. “I look forward to the day when any couple wishing to make the life-long commitment of marriage has the opportunity to do so.”

-- Jason Wells, Times Community News, with contributions from the Los Angeles Times

Twitter: @JasonBretWells
