
Southwest, top Burbank carrier, scores second in customer survey

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Travelers aren’t too pleased with the North American airline industry – especially traditional carriers such as United Airlines and US Airways – pushing down customer satisfaction ratings after two years of improvement.

On a 1,000-point scale, fliers gave airlines an index score of 681, down from 683 last year, according to a survey from J.D. Power and Associates. More than 13,500 passengers weighed in on categories including cost and fees, in-flight services, boarding and deplaning processes, flight crew behavior and more.

“The airline industry is caught between trying to satisfy customers who demand low prices, high-quality service and comfort, and contending with the economic challenges of profitably operating an airline,” said Stuart Greif, vice president and general manager of the global travel and hospitality practice at J.D. Power. “Passengers want it all, but they are not necessarily willing to pay for it all.”

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-- Tiffany Hsu, Los Angeles Times

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