
Brown backs away from plan to protect bullet train from lawsuits

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After encountering criticism from environmental groups, Gov. Jerry Brown signaled Wednesday that he plans to withdraw his controversial proposal to protect the California bullet train project from injunctions sought by environmental lawsuits.

Brown’s staff told key environmental groups that he would no longer include modifications to the California Environmental Quality Act in a package of legislation this month asking for $6 billion to start construction of the high-speed rail project.

The move was confirmed by staff in the state Senate. A spokesman for the governor did not have an immediate response.

The Sierra Club and the Natural Resources Defense Council raised objections to Brown’s proposal, saying it was part of a pattern to water down one of the most important pieces of environmental law in history. Critics of the bullet train, meanwhile, said it appeared that Brown wanted to protect his pet project, while leaving other businesses in the state to bear the full brunt of the law.

It appeared that the proposal was jeopardizing support for the rail protect from the environmental movement, a stalwart supporter of high-speed rail, along with labor unions and big engineering firms.

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-- Ralph Vartabedian, Los Angeles Times
