
Berman enlists help from Barney Frank to dispute Sherman claims

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It seemed pretty remarkable: a prominent Democratic congressman excoriating a colleague of the same party in a conference call set up for reporters. But this is, after all, California, which has produced an unusual, and increasingly nasty, race between Democratic Reps. Howard Bermanand Brad Shermanin the San Fernando Valley.

And so, Rep. Barney Frank of Massachusetts, the pro-Berman former chairman and now ranking member of the House Financial Services Committee, was on the phone Tuesday accusing Sherman of exaggerating his work on the committee.

Frank, who is retiring this year and needn’t worry about working with Sherman should he win the race, accused Berman’s rival of indulging in “fantasies” and “headline hunting.”

“For years now, I’ve seen Mr. Sherman, when we’re having hearings, not show up at the hearing until he’s notified by his staff a few minutes before he’s to ask a question,” Frank said. “He comes in, asks a question and disappears. It’s not the kind of collegial approach you need.”

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-- Richard Simon and Jean Merl, Los Angeles Times
