
Proposition 8 author vows to fight for Assembly seat

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The author of Proposition 8 is vowing to continue his fight for an Assembly seat in the Sacramento suburbs, despite an earlier pledge to drop out if he failed to finish first in the June primary.

Andy Pugno, who drafted the ballot measure banning same-sex marriage in California, came in second to incumbent Assemblywoman Beth Gaines (R-Rocklin) but told the Sacramento Bee this week that he had decided to continue his campaign because of what he called his opponent’s “dishonest and unethical campaign tactics” in the final days of the primary.

“As the only other candidate on the November ballot, stepping aside and simply handing the election to Beth Gaines would be fundamentally unfair to the voters in light of a primary election tainted by her blatant dishonesty,” Pugno said in a statement. “Whether or not the incumbent should be reelected is a decision that belongs to the voters, not just to me.”

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-- Michael J. Mishak, Los Angeles Times
