
Letter’s point seemed out of nowhere

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I must confess I was left scratching my head when I read a letter to the editor from Alfred Aboulsaad in the Jan. 2 Leader. The first paragraphs about the need to find community and agreement at this special time of year made good sense. I too, have disagreed with some of the many letters Steve Urbanovich submits to the paper, but I fail to see how this has the slightest thing to do with the campaign of David Gordon for reelection to the City Council.

I recall some of the letters Aboulsaad submitted during the last election, denigrating Gordon at every opportunity. He has started early this time. I can only think that Aboulsaad must be in league with the build-more-and-bigger-and-neighborhoods-be-damned policy of Councilman Dave Golonski. I suspect the presence on the council of Gordon, with his common sense and refusal to run with the Golonski pack, is a threat to him. Tying his first jab to a letter completely unrelated to the issue only shows how frightened and desperate he must be.

David Gordon is doing a great job, and Burbank sorely needs someone on the council who will stop and question some of the proposals put forth by those who are in the pockets of the big developers. I plan to vote for Bob Frutos for the same reason. Gordon shouldn’t have to fight alone for the true good of Burbank.

Lori McCaffery
