
Public can provide input on city manager search

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Burbank will host a series of public forums in the coming months to get input from residents about the impending permanent city manager selection.

The City Council hired executive search firm Peckham & McKenney to spearhead recruiting efforts for the top post.

But the city wants insights from residents on what makes the “ideal candidate,” spokesman Drew Sugars said in a statement.

Applications for the position will be accepted between March and mid-April. The screening and interview process will wrap up in May and the Council will likely hire someone in June, officials said.

The exact dates and times for the forums will be announced in the coming weeks, Sugars said.

To get involved with the city manager recruitment process, call (818) 238-5840.

--Alene Tchekmedyian, Times Community News

Follow Alene Tchekmedyian on Google+ and on Twitter: @atchek.
