
Burbank Civitans attend meeting in San Diego

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Members of the Burbank Civitans Club just returned from the California district meeting at the Bay Hotel and Marina in San Diego. Sixty California Civitans met to plan events for the new year.

Those attending from the Burbank club were Lt. Gov. Randy Garcia, President Elaine Paonessa, President-Elect Gaye Guilmette and past Lt. Gov. and Civitan of the Year Dee Dee Ruhlow.

The lieutenant governor and board of directors vote on Civitan of the Year, and the recipient is announced at the convention each year. Ruhlow received the honor for giving so many years to Civitans and for achieving perfect attendance as a member of the Foothill Civitans Club since 1977, the year that club was chartered. She belongs to both clubs now.


JOYCE RUDOLPH can be contacted at
