
Burbank Coordinating Council turns 80

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The Burbank Coordinating Council will look back at its accomplishments over the 80 years it has served the community during a birthday luncheon beginning at noon Monday at the Little White Chapel Social Hall, 1711 N. Avon St.

Membership is made up of representatives from service organizations, PTAs, churches, city offices and others, who come to hear a program and share their upcoming events during the council meetings held at noon the first Monday of the month at the Little White Chapel.

The council began in 1933 as a joint project between the Burbank PTA and school district administrators.

“The purpose has always been to coordinate efforts to improve the quality of life in our community and promote the welfare of all,” said Past President Janet Diel.

The council has begun programs over the years that have been picked up by others to run, such as the Burbank Temporary Aid Center, Safety Sallies, which are called crossing guards today, as well as the Senior and Youth boards, child guidance and protection programs and foster home studies.

Two programs that remain under the council’s wing are the summer Camperships and the Holiday Baskets. The group sends between 50 and 200 children from low-income families to camp each year. Each holiday season, the group coordinates food and gift delivery to more than 500 families with children on the federal lunch program.

Everyone is invited to the birthday party. For reservations, call Doris Palmer at (818) 842-6361.


JOYCE RUDOLPH can be contacted at
