
On the Town: Aid center presents citizenship honors

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The Burbank Temporary Aid Center (BTAC) presented its 2012 Top Award for Citizenship to Mayor Jess Talamantes and Entertainment Partners, represented by the company’s President and CEO Mark Goldstein, at its ninth annual awards gala at the Castaway this past Friday evening.

Staged as the organization’s primary fundraising event and emceed by Burbank Chamber of Commerce President Gary Olson, BTAC Board Chairwoman Susan Borders said funds raised at this year’s gala will touch the lives of more than 5,000 members of the community by making sack lunches available for the homeless, and providing groceries and utility payments to individuals and families in need.

“This annual dinner has a dramatic impact on the numbers of needy, sometimes desperate neighbors and fellow citizens BTAC is able to serve,” said Borders.

Dedicated to providing the poor, working poor and homeless with basic services in times of need, emergency or disaster, BTAC serves as a conduit between their benefactors, foundations and government resources to provide clients with food, transportation, emergency shelter, medical assistance and resource referrals to help them move from poverty to self-sufficiency.

Along with Borders, Friday’s fundraiser was made possible by BTAC Executive Director Barbara Howell, the event’s Co-Chairwoman Vicki Williams and Maddy Horne, and their committee members Priscilla Davis, Daryl Forbes, Nancy Gams Korb, Jocelyn Paris, Will Rogers and Terin Suarez.

The event is always well-supported by local dignitaries, city staff and the Burbank business community and this year was no exception. Notables in attendance at Friday’s event included Sen. Carol Liu, Teresa Lamb representing U.S. Rep. Adam Schiff, Vice Mayor Dave Golonksi, City Council Members Gary Bric and David Gordon, City Treasurer Donna Anderson, City Manager Mike Flad, Deputy City Manager Joy Forbes, City Attorney Amy Albano, Airport Commissioners Sue Georgino and Don Brown, Police Commissioner Nat Rubinfeld, former Mayor Mary Lou Howard, Interim Police Chief Scott LaChasse and city department heads Ron Davis, Bonnie Teaford, Greg Herrmann and Jennifer Wyatt.

Others who made the event a success by their work, support and attendance included Dave and Pat Augustine, Ron Cogan, Sandy Talamantes, Sharon Olson, Dee Call, Jennifer Magerkurth, Ron Sorensen, Michael Walbrecht, Michael and Penny Forbes, Bruce Redmann, Rick and Jeanette Meyer, Edward Stapelton, Pedro Torres, Stacy Schumacher, Harlan Dahlen, Jacqueline Austin, Lucretia Rimmer, Vic Georgino, Max Andrews, Joan McCarthy, Frank Gangi, Brad Korb, Darrin Borders, Lucy Burghdorf, Huw Holwill, Sarah Rogers and Eric Foster.
