
Chad’s Champions ready for Relay for Life

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Members of Team Chad’s Champions are gearing up for the American Cancer Society’s Relay for Life, the 24-hour walk on May 4 and 5 at Johnny Carson Park. The walk begins at 9 a.m. Saturday and ends at 9 a.m. Sunday.

Team Chad’s Champions was created to walk in support of Chad Becken, the son of Don and Susie Becken, of Burbank. Chad Becken lost his battle with colorectal cancer last year. He was 37 years old.

Don and Susie Becken, Chad’s parents, continue to help raise funds and awareness of colorectal prevention, early detection, treatment and patient support, Susie Becken said.

“Knowing Team Chad’s Champions will help make a difference leaves me hopeful and proud,” she said. “I want a world with less cancer and more birthdays. There is no finish line until we find a cure.”

Chad’s employer, Cast & Crew Entertainment Services, is part of the team and had a bake sale in March to raise funds for the Relay for Life. The final total raised was $1,282.98.

The Relay for Life is an event to celebrate cancer survivors, remember those who have been have lost, and raise awareness and funds for the American Cancer Society research and community services, said Daniela Barragan, relay manager. This is the Burbank Relay’s 10th year.

“Over 10 years they have raised more than $1 million. Their goal is to raise $135,000 and recognize 130 cancer survivors. It is also the American Cancer Society’s 100th birthday in May,” she added.

Saturday activities include a survivor lap at 9 a.m. Survivors can sign up at the event or go to and sign up. They will receive a T-shirt, medal and complimentary breakfast. The Luminaria ceremony is at 9 p.m. The entire track is lit up with white luminaria bags. Each bag will be named for a person who has had cancer, is still fighting the disease or who has passed away as a result of it.

There are musical acts, bands and singers all day long as walkers walk the track and shop at different campsites. There is even an area for kids with games, arts and crafts.

To volunteer, contact Michelle Jacobovitz, event chair, at The public can also donate a canned food item that will be used to hold down the luminaria bags at night.


JOYCE RUDOLPH can be contacted at
