
Cell tower is no good for residents


I fear that the fight over the installation of a T-Mobile cell tower on North Avon Street is already a done deal. Why else would the mayor, the planning board and the City Council have changed the law last year that banned such installations in residential neighborhoods?

I understand that the city makes money from the installations of such towers (and there are close to 200 already in Burbank commercial zones), but what is the money for? I assume it’s for the betterment of the lives of Burbank residents. But how does installing a cell tower that possibly puts our children’s health at risk and lowers property values better our lives?

The mayor and City Council should take a long look at themselves before their appeal decision on May 22. Would they move their families into a neighborhood with a cell tower next door? Or send their children to a school next to one? I suspect not. I moved to Burbank three years ago for the good schools and safe neighborhoods. The mayor’s plans to install these towers in residential zones make my move the dumbest ever.

Tom Abrams

