
Council should cancel cell tower

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I wake up in the morning and pull the curtains back to see a beautiful, calm and placid church, The Little White Chapel.

I am 13 years old, and I have lived in my house near the church my whole life. I go to Luther Burbank Middle School and have some friends at Bret Harte Elementary School. Both of those schools are within 1500 feet of the proposed cell tower.

When I first heard about the cell tower, I didn’t really understand what the big deal was. I thought my neighbors had gone crazy for being so imperative about this tower. Now I find myself one of those people, praying every night that this won’t go through. I think the point when I realized that this was not OK was when my parents told me that we would be moving if this tower successfully goes up.

We don’t know whether or not cell towers cause cancer, but why would we take any chances with such a deadly disease? This tower is such a bad idea, I pray every night the city council will think about the city, not just money, and cancel this tower.

Sophie Wiegand

