
Shame on Little White Chapel

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I have been a Burbank resident for 10 years. When I was looking to buy my home, I knew Burbank was where I wanted to live. Burbank has a retro charm, beautiful tree-lined streets, darling homes, kids playing outside, friendly neighbors, a wonderful small-town feeling. My East Coast relatives are convinced I live in Mayberry.

The quaint Little White Chapel added to this charm. I knew when I moved so close to the church there would be traffic and parking issues, but what I didn’t know was that the quaint church would be at the center of such turmoil.

The pending installation of the cell towers is frightening and appalling. The mention of a “potential” health risk is enough to be concerned about living only a few doors down from the church. Once I learned about the cell towers, I contacted my real estate agent and he confirmed that I would need to disclose my proximity to the cell towers if I wanted to sell my home and it would negatively impact my property value. Had this been something that was disclosed to me when I was purchasing my home, I would not have done so. Why gamble on a “potential” risk?

I am disappointed that a church would have so little regard for the neighborhood that their house of worship resides in. There seems to be no concern about how the neighbors feel about the atrocity they are planning to erect. So much for that quaint little church. Whatever happened to “love thy neighbor”? I guess they loveT-Mobile’s money more than they love their neighbors. Shame on the Little White Chapel.

Ingrid Kriegler

