
Feeding pigeons is a public nuisance

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I am writing in response to your Sept. 12 article, “Pigeons suspect agrees to deal” concerning the man who was suspected of feeding pigeons, which is classified a public nuisance in Burbank municipal code and is punishable by up to six months in jail and a fine of up to $1,000.

We bought our house in 2001, and since then, a neighbor has put large quantities of bread, etc. out on his lawn almost daily to feed pigeons and other birds. The birds carry the food to our trees where they consume it, and we end up washing off four or more large splats each day from our cars.

I’ve seen him feeding them on several occasions, as he stands on his porch and throws bread on his lawn early in the morning. I gave him a letter politely asking him to stop doing this, as it was having a negative impact on his neighbors. The driveway and sidewalk, not to mention the cars of the neighbors who live directly next door to him, are covered with large white splotches. Although I’ve discussed it with them, they don’t want to take action for fear of making him mad.

I also spoke with the City Attorney’s office about this. They confirmed that this behavior is illegal in Burbank. Since then I’ve made a number of complaints to Burbank Animal Control, and they’ve given him several warnings to cease and desist. He usually stops for a few days but then starts feeding them again. This not only increases the population of pigeons, but also that of crows and ravens, who seem to be favored targets for mosquitoes carrying West Nile, as a number of dead crows are found every year infected with this virus. Besides creating a navigation hazard for planes at Bob Hope airport, pigeon and crow poop are also known to contain Salmonella bacteria.

Jennifer Rabuchin

