
City seeks public input on next decade

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City officials are seeking more public input on a 10-year strategic plan that emphasizes improvements to roadways and sidewalks, a new central library and establishing neighborhood councils to encourage more civic engagement.

The draft document, called “Our Plan, Our Future, Our Burbank,” sets the city working priorities through 2021, and includes feedback from a resident survey taken last year.

As more comments come in, city officials will continue to add and amend the draft plan until it is sent to the City Council for final consideration. City spokesman Keith Sterling said no firm timeline for adopting the plan had been set.

City Council members have acknowledged the difficulty in pursuing some of the proposed goals during a financially turbulent time, but others could be done without huge capital costs.

City Manager Mike Flad pointed to Pasadena’s neighborhood associations and noted that often communities may rally around what they see as a negative occurrence, such as an unwanted development, but end up becoming a more organized voice.

Having organized residential groups could provide valuable feedback to city officials when they scope future developments or goals, Flad said.

A plan to assess the city’s infrastructure every five years was also part of the 10 goals for the next decade. Safety was also touched on, as well as cultivating and maintaining a diverse revenue base, efficient traffic flow and in-town mobility. Attracting and keeping businesses also made it onto the list.

Partnerships with various agencies were also among the ideas discussed at recent scoping meeting, along with a plan for the long-term, self-sustaining operation of the struggling DeBell Golf Club.

Preserving Burbank’s high quality of life and small-town feel was also discussed, in addition to providing as much information to the public as possible, including making that information available on the city website.

Flad noted the process for gathering information for the current draft Strategic Plan was slightly different than in years past. About 400 residents participated in a survey, and in the past, the city manager’s office led the process. Input was mostly from department heads, but this year, more time allotted for public input.

“It’s taken a little longer to bring to you, but it’s a little more inclusive and accessible to the public,” Flad told the council.
