
Frutos should get off the fence

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In the Nov. 14 Mailbag, Bob Frutos, who has announced his intention to run in the upcoming Burbank City Council election, came up with what he thought was an “easy solution” to the puppy mill issue. Trying to please both sides of the issue, as politicians do so well, he said let puppy mill puppies continue to come into our city, just be a nice store owner and say that’s where they come from.

Frutos didn’t think this through very well. In one breath he says he does “not like puppy mill activities” and in the next he says it is OK for the stores to be able to continue to sell puppies from there. Virtually 100% of puppies sold in pet stores come from mills. Simply requiring disclosure does absolutely nothing about the problem and perpetuates the enslavement of the puppies’ mom and dad for life in the prison called puppy mills.

Mr. Frutos, if you don’t like puppy mill activities, get off the fence and take a bold stand on the issue.

Christina Torres
