
Candidates file their papers for Burbank city election

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The nominating period for Burbank’s February primary election closed Friday, with six candidates running for three City Council seats, four running for two school board seats, three for city clerk and one for city treasurer.

The City Council candidates include Juan Guillen, David Nos, Robert Frutos and the three incumbents — Jess Talamantes, David Gordon and Dave Golonski, according to the city clerk’s office.

While the incumbents have touted their municipal experience, the three challengers said they would tackle council issues with fresh eyes and ears.

A former Marine who served in Iraq, Guillen currently runs an insurance agency and payroll company — True Integrity Insurance Services — in Burbank with his mother.

“I think we need a change in leadership,” Guillen said. “Someone who’s passionate about the community, who wants to serve selflessly.”

Frutos, a 26-year LAPD police officer and former Burbank police commissioner, is taking a second stab at a seat on the council. In 2011, he was edged out by Councilwoman Emily Gabel-Luddy by 86 votes.

Firmly against “mansionization” and runaway development that would increase traffic, Frutos’ priorities include preserving parks, libraries and community services.

Nos, a 56-year Burbank resident and former Burbank school board member, touts his experience running — and sustaining through the recession — a local printing and email management business.

“Business tends to make you a little more conservative because you’re always watching the bottom lines. I think that’s a really strong point to bring to the City Council,” Nos said.

Over the summer, Nos applied for the vacant school board seat, but was not appointed.

Gordon, who is serving his seventh year on the council, feels he’s been able to build community confidence over the years.

Issues the city will face in the near future — retail and airport development, the high cost of renewable energy, changes in city management — will require “new and fresh approaches” that he can provide, he said.

“There’s a voice for the people on the council in me,” Gordon said.

Twenty-year council veteran Golonski’s goals include implementing a sound fiscal policy and investing in the city’s infrastructure by repairing city streets.

Talamantes, a former firefighter who is finishing his first term on the council, said his priorities include economic development and balancing the budget.

“One of my major goals is to try to get new businesses in Burbank and maintain the businesses we have in Burbank,” he said.

Running for the two Burbank school board seats are incumbent Larry Applebaum, David Dobson, Armond Aghakhanian and Steve Ferguson.

Since school board member John Dilibert — who was appointed to the position in August — chose not to run, the nomination period for his seat has been extended until 5 p.m. Wednesday.

“There are people that are intimidated to run against the incumbent,” said Deputy City Clerk Susan Domen, adding that would-be candidates may change their minds once they learn an incumbent isn’t vying for the position.

The extension “provides them the opportunity to do so,” she said.

Three are vying for city clerk, including incumbent Zizette Mullins — who was appointed to the position by the City Council in June — Nonna von Sonn and Gloria Salas.

For city treasurer, incumbent appointment Debbie Kukta is the sole candidate.


Follow Alene Tchekmedyian on Google+ and on Twitter: @atchek.
