
Community news: Noon Lions Club honors poster winners, Holiday Inn donates to Salvation Army, holiday decorations contest

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Three young women were recognized for their artwork when the Burbank Noon Lions Club honored the winners of the Lions Clubs International “Imagine Peace” poster contest in a ceremony held at the Burbank Central Library in November.

Winners were Margo Akopov, 13, who entered the contest through the Boys & Girls Club and attends Muir Middle School; Micayla Siemon, 13, who was entered by Luther Middle School; and Tanishka Nair, 11, who was entered by Jordan Middle School.

In his welcome speech, Noon Lions Treasurer Bud Alleman said the student who goes all the way to the top of the global contest can win $5,000 and a trip to New York to attend Lions United Nations Day. This event marked the first level of judging and the winners artworks go on to the next level. Winners received $25 each and a certificate as well as certificates from the city of Burbank and the offices of Rep. Adam Schiff, State Sen. Carol Liu, Assemblyman Mike Gatto and Supervisor Michael Antonovich.

Each winner told how they were inspired to create their poster relating peace.

Micayla said her poster illustrated a peaceful, restful, grassy field.

“This meant peace to me,” she said.

Tanishka painted a rainbow, music notes, a dove and a hand with “peace,” “love” and ”hope” tattooed on three of the fingers.

Margo, who won in a previous year, tried to illustrate how people see peace in their own way, through dance, art or anything they love, she said.

Council member Jess Talamantes congratulated the winners saying it was quite an honor, especially for the repeat winner. This kind of success comes from a strong foundation that the parents provide, Talamantes said, along with encouragement from younger and older siblings.

Holiday Inn donates to Salvation Army

Several barrels of food and a jar of cash donations were presented to Burbank Salvation Army officials by the administrative staff of the Holiday Inn Burbank-Media Center in November.

“We collect food and cash donations from employees and guests all year round for the drive,” said Erika Hofmann, director of operations for the hotel.

All will go to the army’s food pantry to provide holiday meals for Burbank’s needy, said Lt. Kari S. Rudd, who is in charge of the Burbank Salvation Army with her husband, Lt. Eric Rudd.

It really makes a difference, Lt. Kari Rudd said, because otherwise they would have to purchase the food from food banks.

“It does more than just compensate our food pantry, it also allows us to provide a proper Christmas dinner for the families that are in need,” she said.

For Christmas the army provides food, toys, bikes and clothing for about 700 families, and that equates to more than 3,000 people, she added. Once a month the army provides food for 550 families, which includes 400 senior citizens.

Civic Pride honors those who decorate

A seasonal tradition in my household is bundling up and piling into the car to check out the holiday decorations on residents’ homes. One of our favorites is the family that synchronizes the music to the blinking lights. Then there are the stars that dot the roofs and lawns of homes in the Starlight Hills.

As in years past, those who go all out decorating their homes and businesses can vie to have their efforts rewarded by entering the Civic Pride Committee’s outdoor decorating contest.

In its 30th year, the contest has three categories — residential, commercial and youth (under 16). Certificates will be presented to the winners during the City Council meeting on Dec. 18.

The entry deadline is 5 p.m. Tuesday, Dec. 11. Judging will be from dusk to 11:30 p.m. Thursday, Dec. 13. Decorations must be visible from the street.

You can’t win unless you enter. Forms are available on the city’s website (click on Departments, then Public Information Division), or at libraries, the city clerk’s office, parks, the Community Services Building and Police and Fire Headquarters. Good luck! We can’t wait to see what you are going to do this year.

JOYCE RUDOLPH can be contacted at
