
Ban of milled pets could trickle out

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We were shocked and very disappointed to learn that Burbank has not yet joined other progressive cities to ban the sale of mill animals from retail pet stores. With all the information about commercial breeding facilities available, it seems unbelievable that these barbaric places still exist and that a large percentage of the public are still unaware. The reality is state and federal laws are slow to change and it is easier to pretend this is not going on.

This is why we depend on the Burbank City Council to listen to us and to make important changes that will trickle out and up. By individual cities banning pet stores from selling what are really substandard products, these breeding factories would cease to exist.

It seems clear that puppy mills are cruel places where man’s best friends are confined to small wire cages, with no adequate food, water or vet care. The animals get sick due to these poor living conditions, and female dogs are forced to have litter after litter until they can no longer produce, and then they are killed. It also seems clear that as long as pet stores continue to sell mill animals this will never end. Burbank needs to ban the sale of mill animals from retail pet stores.

Adam and Lindsay Rittmiller
