
Burbank Civitans take pride in awards

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The Burbank Civitan Club held its installation of officers on Oct. 2 at the Burbank Holiday Inn. The officers were installed for a second term by Civitan Lt. Gov. Sandy Lucas. They are President David Holland, President-Elect Randy Garcia, Secretary DeeDee Ruhlow, Treasurer Shari Epstein and Immediate Past-President Elaine Paonessa. Among the members in attendance were past presidents Morey Goodstein and Richard Bertain, as well as Joan Newbro, Lance Ryder and guests Pat Jacobsen, RoseMarie Holland, Bobbie Garcia, Lisa Ryder and Ruth Gordon.

Holland commended the club for a great award-winning year. The club received the first-place award in the Burbank Public Library’s Annual Trivia Challenge and other Civitan District Awards for its continued support of BCR “a place to grow” and the annual Baseball Jamboree for more than 1,000 young Hap Minor League baseball players. The latter was co-sponsored with the Foothill Civitan Club and the Burbank Park, Recreation and Community Services Department. These events were followed by the Ponytail Jamboree for as many as 1,000 softball players where hotdogs and punch were served to all the ballplayers for a very memorable event.

Their annual St. Patrick’s Day brunch at the Castaway Restaurant raises funds to support the Special Olympics and the Research Center for Mental Retardation and other mental health disorders in Birmingham, Ala.

The Burbank Civitan Club meets at 6:30 p.m. the first Thursday of the month (at a member’s house) and third Thursday at the Holiday Inn, 150 E. Angeleno Ave., Burbank. For more information, contact Paonessa at (818) 845-6851 or at

Halloween at Vickroy Park

The Burbank Optimist Club in conjunction with the Burbank Park, Recreation and Community Services Department and Disney VoluntEARS once again hosted a fun Halloween party for all the children at Vickroy Park in Burbank. The club was busy all morning setting up the game booths and all the usual decorations to “scare” all the little ones who attended the event, which took place between 6:30 and 8 p.m. on Oct. 31.

It is always such fun to see the children enjoying themselves, and how nice that they have a safe place to trick or treat.

The Burbank Optimist Club meets at 6 p.m. on the first and third Thursday of the month at the DeBell clubhouse. For more information, call Ed Davis at (818) 557-1288.

Kiwanians in action

The Burbank Noon Kiwanis and the Kiwanis For Fun clubs held their annual joint pancake breakfast on Oct. 30 at the parking lot of Tyerman’s Automotive. Set-up started at 6 a.m. immediately after the horrendous downpour of the early hours. Members didn’t know if anybody would show up. But it turned out to be a very successful event, and the day turned out to be sunny. There were 695 breakfasts served, and this does not include the breakfasts served to all the volunteers. The money raised at this event helps both clubs fund all the charities they support.

The Kiwanis Aktion Club’s third annual convention took place Sept. 10 to 12, at Wonder Valley. This event keeps growing by leaps and bounds. Thirteen clubs from all over the state attended, which is an increase of three from the year before. This is a really rewarding experience for all. The members attended fundraising seminars and worked on service projects. They sang by the fire and went on hayrides in the evening. They also had great fun at the Fishing Derby, with Joey Harris of the Burbank for Fun Aktion Club winning a medal for the biggest fish caught.

Kiwanis Club of Burbank meets at noon every Wednesday at the YMCA. For more information, contact Cynthia Faust at (818) 242-2261 or at Burbank Kiwanis For Fun meets at 6:45 p.m. the second and fourth Thursday of the month at the Hill Street Cafe, 3301 W. Glenoaks Blvd., Burbank. For more information, contact Jan Loporchio at (818) 843-0535 or at

ISABEL ADAMS can be reached at (818) 842-7359 or at
