
Letter: Clarification on Bob Hope’s parking lots

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Re: “Bob Hope Airport may add more parking,” Aug. 20. One point needs clarification in the Leader’s coverage of potential plans for “new” parking lots: They are not new. They are lots in the airport’s standing parking inventory that have been temporarily closed, due either to drop in parking demand or the two-year construction period of the Regional Intermodal Transportation Center (RITC) that opened in July.

The former Lot D was closed to the public and used for RITC construction lay-down space and for construction crew parking. Now that the RITC is completed, this lot can be put back into service, along with some covered parking spaces that have been idle, but the overall number of airport parking spaces will stay the same.

An examination of recent parking trends at the airport suggests there may be demand for these spaces, especially the covered parking relatively close to the terminal, that certain travelers may want to use. Staff will bring proposals forward later in the year on how best to improve parking options for airport patrons, while preserving a generous supply of Economy Lot spaces at $10 per day.

Victor J. Gill
Director, Public Affairs and Communications
Burbank Bob Hope Airport
