
Letter: Court dismisses Founding Fathers

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The Supreme Court has opened yet another can of worms. Their collective Hobby Lobby decision is the third devastatingly, misguided opinion now solidifying corporations as individuals. This most recent abolishment of the rights of real, living, breathing human individuals centers on “freedom of religion.”

Matthew Stewart (author/editor of American Scholar) in his recently published book “Nature’s God: The Heretical Origins of the American Public,” may help us see why this decision is so off target. In his final chapter “The Religion of Freedom” he writes that our Founding Fathers did in fact want us to enjoy religious freedom, “but only insofar as the belief is understood to be intrinsically private. It does not and ought not tolerate any form of religion that attempts to hold the power of the sovereign answerable to its private religious belief.”

Stewart’s book clarifies that the intent of Jefferson, Washington, Thomas Young, Ethan Allan and others was not so much to establish freedom of religion, as it was to create a society with freedom from religion.

Any American working at Hobby Lobby has become the victim of that corporation’s private belief. The law of the land established to benefit all has been overruled by the distortions of five “Injustices” of the Supreme Court bent on interpreting the Constitution on behalf of “corporados.” What a shame.

Thomas J. Savino
