
Letter: Surprised by report on water quality

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I am dismayed and angry. I read the Los Angeles Times April 23 article on drinking water quality ranked by contamination with the rest of California and found Burbank has the second-highest water contamination on the published scale of water contamination. How can this be?
We have Burbank Water and Power to provide us with quality services. Yet, Los Angeles’ DWP provides better water quality. We share BWP’s services with Glendale and Glendale has better water quality.

We have been notified of significant rate increases by BWP. In the Mailbag column of the Burbank Leader for April 23 Thomas Saito questioned the new proposed rate increases. Are the rate increases for purchased water needed because Burbank’s water is so bad? What amount of water used in homes is purchased? What has happened to Burbank’s water supply?

Joanne Weckbacher
