
Letter: Thoughts inspired by Niagara Falls

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If Moammar Kadafi could, so can we. In a recent visit to Niagara Falls I was amazed about the amount of water flowing down. I get distracted easily and can think of multiple subjects while watching the Niagara, and I want to share those thoughts. Here are they, not in any particular order:

We are going through the worst drought in Southern California. Kadafi (the late dictator of Libya) built 1,800 miles of aqueduct and pipes from the south of the country to the northern cities of Tripoli and Benghazi. The water came from 500 wells drilled to the depth of 1,600-plus feet.

Did my neighbor water my Dymondia (a drought-tolerant plant that I planted to replace my lawn here in our green Burbank)?.

Knowing the geography of the United States (they actually taught us geography when I went to high school), I think we can get a lot of water from east of us and we don’t have to go the 1,800 miles that the Libyans had to.

So can the greatest country, and the strongest economy in the world, afford a few billion dollars? (I am lying, maybe more than few, but who’s counting? Let’s issue another bond. Our grandkids will pay for it).

The bottom line is, even Dymondia will not survive on one watering day per week.

Joseph Hadaya
