
Mailbag: Community stepped up for ‘Night Out’

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The Burbank Police Department would like to extend its appreciation to all of the city’s residents, employees and volunteers for making this year’s National Night Out one of the most successful the city of Burbank has sponsored (“A neighborly effort to increase safety,” Aug. 4). More than 1,000 citizens came to the citywide event at Keystone and Chandler, and several hundred residents were involved in one of the 18 block parties!

The National Night Out event started as a nationwide, one-night rally where citizens and police officers join forces to strengthen neighborhood spirit and police-community partnerships. We exist to protect and to serve our citizens, and it is this vital partnership that gives the Burbank Police Department its strength and enthusiasm toward the pursuit of this goal.

In addition, the Burbank Police Department proudly recognizes the generous donation of $2,500 from Target, which was used to support the National Night Out events.

On behalf of the men and women of the Burbank Police Department, I would like to thank you for your donation of $2,500 in support of the National Night Out celebration. Your generous contribution greatly assists us with fostering cooperation and partnerships between the Police Department and the community we serve through the purchase of Neighborhood Watch materials, which were made available to the public.

Your contribution was also used to enhance the scope of our main event celebration on the Chandler Bikeway. The entire evening was a resounding success due largely to your kind participation.

Again, thank you for your generous support of National Night Out. We value our partnership with Target and its community-spirited employees.

Scott LaChasse

Santa Clarita

Editor’s note: LaChasse is interim Burbank police chief.

So-called Christians should read the manual

If Christianity were illegal, would there be evidence to convict you? I ask because Christianity is not a closet religion; what Christ conveys, we’re obliged to champion. Evidence will be our words and actions, and we’ve been historically persecuted for this.

Christians defend children gestating in their mother’s wombs. Society says, “Kill them, they aren’t really human unless they’re wanted.” Jesus says, “Don’t murder,” yet these human offspring are dissected and society applauds. Why? It’s faithless, and Christian objection receives society’s jackboot.

No homosexual...will inherit the kingdom of God (1 Cor 6:9-10 NIV). Christians didn’t think that up, Christ did. Patrick Caneday says he hasn’t the right to oppose homosexual marriage, neither as an American nor Christian, yet Americans perennially debate laws (“Why I’m still a Christian,” Aug. 7).

God too has laws — ultimate, non-debatable. People split when they collide, especially in our “one nation under God.” If anyone has a right, nay, obligation to speak, it’s Christians. Christ said we’re “the salt of the earth. But if the salt loses its saltiness ... It is no longer good” (Mat 5:13 NIV). So we’re salty, and contentious, but that’s because God wants us good for something.

Vampire book author Anne Rice wants Christ without Christianity. This prompted Caneday’s article. Rice despises Christians she’s encountered, so she disavows all relationship. Absurd! Does anyone like everyone? She complains about stereotypes yet forgets spiritual growth happens communally. Caneday gets this, sort of, but it’s unclear if he embraces Christianity in theory, or if he actually associates Christianity on Sundays.

We grow by contact. I fear people who claim such Christianity aren’t reading the manual. They make it up rather than live according to Christ’s words. Rice needs to get some red blood back in her veins, and Caneday, now that you’ve “come out,” pick up your spiritual armor and join us in the war, brother.

Rev. Bryan Griem


Editor’s note: Griem is a regular contributor to the In Theory feature and pastor at Montrose Community Church.
