
Couple uses mattress to catch toddler as he falls from window

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A couple moving into a new apartment saved a 3-year-old boy — using a mattress — after he fell out of a third-story window on Sunday, police said.

The boy climbed out of the window apparently to retrieve his stuffed animals, which he had thrown onto the street, said Burbank Police Sgt. Darin Ryburn.

Before the plunge, the child grabbed onto some phone wires, slowing down his descent, when the moving couple quickly placed their mattress underneath the window to brace the boy’s fall.

The husband caught the falling toddler while his wife called the authorities.

The boy was transported to Children’s Hospital Los Angeles for observation, though no obvious injuries were reported.

The incident occurred in the 4100 block of Kling Street.
-- Alene Tchekmedyian,

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