
Burroughs golf defeats rival to take back Burbank Cup

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In recent years, the Burroughs High boys’ golf team has enjoyed a great deal of success in the annual Burbank Cup rivalry contest against cross-town foe Burbank.

However, last season, the Bulldogs claimed the title, taking home the cup for the first time since 2008.

It was time for revenge for the Indians in the latest event contested Thursday at De Bell Golf Club. Burroughs was able to take back the city championship, downing Burbank, 12-6.

The contest was conducted in an 18-player match-play format. The player who won the most holes in his individual matchup was awarded a point. If a player begins a match having declared a handicap higher than that to which he is entitled and this affects the number of strokes given or received, he is disqualified; otherwise, the player must play off the declared handicap.

“I’m proud of the way the boys are playing,” Burroughs Coach Greg Everhart said. “They continue to get better in every aspect of the game.

“It’s nice to bring the Burbank Cup back to Burroughs where it belongs. It’s a fun and unique event where every golfer on the team gets to participate.”

Two Indians players, Daniel Kesicbasian and Patrick Smith, fired 75s to tie for medalist honors.

In notching wins for the Indians, Kesicbasian defeated Dylan Sherry, 5 and 4, Patrick Colbert got by Joe Grasse, 1 and 0, Dylan McNeeley defeated Dillan Bernard, 8 and 7, Tnick Trivimol got by Sean Lashkari, 3 and 1, Calvin Guntetong beat Eric Kambestad, 2 and 1, Cole Astamendi downed Michael Guzman, 3 and 2, William Guglielmo defeated Leonard Wee, 4 and 2, Patrick Smith beat Arthur Arutyumyan, 8 and 7, Ryan O’Neill defeated Daniel Baker, 2 and 0, Gio Cera beat Gregory Albarian, 9 and 7, and Tristan Morgan won by disqualification against Taras Sergeev.

The Burbank winners were Jason Apinchapong over Sivakorn Losakul, 2 and 0, Josh Provost in a disqualification over John Gonzalez, Matt Lyneis in a disqualification over Garrit Green, Cole Pendarvis in a disqualification over Ethan Williams and Dominic Cook in a disqualification over Aaron Carino.

Earning halves in their matches were Burroughs’ Louis D’Aquila against John Grasse and Burbank’s Christopher Koulsoum over Geoffrey Bark.
