Already funded $546M

Proposed funding $3.32B

Gap $10.68B

Southern California needs $14 billion to reduce smog. What are you willing to pay?

By Tony Barboza and Rahul Mukherjee

Regulators are more than $10 billion short of their goal and risk tough economic sanctions for missing federal smog-reduction deadlines. The money would go toward reducing ozone pollution by paying for cleaner cars, trucks and equipment.

How would you make up the shortfall? Use the sliders and/or impose new fees and taxes to prioritize.

Total Raised

$14 Billion

Increase sales tax

0.0% increase


Hike vehicle registration fees

$10 / vehicle


Raise gas tax

1 cent(s)/ gallon


Impose cargo fee

$35/shipping container through ports of L.A. or Long Beach


Tax crude oil

10% tax on each barrel of oil extracted in L.A. and Orange counties


Raise property tax

0.01% levy, about $50 a year for a $500,000 home


Sources: South Coast Air Quality Management District