Immersive storytelling 101

The techniques the Los Angeles Times uses to engage our readers and how to you start using them, too.

By Swetha Kannan and Andrea Roberson

What is it?

Whether it's taking a 3D stroll through a building on the other side of the world or learning about a complex political system through a video game, immersive storytelling helps readers engage and learn.

Immersive storytelling is becoming easier to do. Learn how the Los Angeles Times does it - even if you don’t know how to code.


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A 360 image provides an all-encompassing look into a scene. People can look up, down, left, and right instead of being bound by the dimensions of the photo.


360 view of LA

360 view of LA

Inside Bob Hope house

Bob Hope house


  • The Insta360 cameras are versatile, cheap cameras to begin shooting in 360.
  • 360Cities is a collection of 360 images from different cities around the world. Contact the photographer for permissions to use in your article.
  • Use the photo-sphere-viewer.js library to embed 360 images into a custom webpage.



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360 videos can provide great viewport into a universe. Similar to 360 photos, you can look up, down, left, and right to explore the scene, this time as the camera films.


Mini casa

Mini-casa 360 video


Tunnel 360 video

You can use these tools in addition to the ones used in the photos section.



3D models

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3D models can help take visualizations to another level. We can create models of places or buildings, or we can make 3D models of more abstract ideas for readers to easily visualize.



AR burgers


Shade at Dodgers


  • Blender is an open-source 3D modelling program.
  • Three.js is a well-supported library used to embed 3D objects into a webpage.


3D environments

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Environments are a type of model that is a recreation of a specific place. This is useful when the terrain, habitat, and location are vital to understanding a story.


Mars game

Mars VR

Thomas fire

Thomas fire 3D

You can use these tools in addition to the ones used in the 3d models section.




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If done right, games can be an extremely powerful tools to teach complicated concepts because the audience actively engages with the material.


Ocean game

The ocean game

Ballpark quiz

Ballpark quiz

Brady list

The Brady list

Lotto game



  • Bodymovin.js is a library that exports After Effects animations into CSS animations that can be controlled via Javascript.
  • Twine is an app to create a simple text adventure that can be customized and exported in Js. There is little to no coding needed to use this.
  • Three.jsis a well-supported library used to embed 3D objects into a webpage. It can also be used to create games.
  • Babylon.js is a javascript library that uses Three.js but includes more features and is geared towards game-making.
  • For larger projects, Unity is a powerful program used to create games.


Learn the process

Plan it out

You don't need to know code to be successful at immersive storytelling - planning it just as important as the end result. It’s important to get familiar with the process of working with each technology so that you understand what elements, besides writing the story itself, you'll be working with and can delegate as needed.

Gather the assets

Beyond the planning, you have to get the assets for the project. The 360 photo of Los Angeles or the 3D model of the building has to be created. There are plenty of tutorials that exist for you to learn how to create the assets yourself, or hire a contractor to do this step.

Get it on the page!

Once you've planned out your project and have your hands on an asset, you need to put it somewhere!

Usually, code is the way to do it. Above, you'll find the code that we use for these stories. Much of this code is pre-written which makes it easy to edit, but you can always hire a contractor for this step as well.