
Story Tavern to serve up a slice of history

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A historical bond has developed between the Burbank Historical Society and Story Tavern, a new restaurant opening Tuesday on San Fernando Boulevard.

Story Tavern now occupies the historic building at 150 S. San Fernando Blvd., which once housed Story Hardware, owned by Burbank’s first mayor Thomas Story, at the time of the city’s incorporation in 1911.

The Burbank Historical Society has provided 80 historic photographs to decorate the restaurant, said society President Sue Baldaseroni. In turn, the restaurant owners have made a $1,000 donation to the society and will also donate proceeds from a grand opening event on Sunday, the anniversary of the city’s incorporation July 8, 1911. Funds will be realized from a $25 fee per person at the door between 4:30 to 7:30 p.m.

Baldaseroni said the donations will go to maintaining the Gordon R. Howard Museum and restoring such items as the antique vehicles on display. The museum is next door to the Creative Arts Center on Clark Avenue in Izay Park.

“It’s been a pleasure working with them on this project,” Baldaseroni said. “The historical society appreciates the donations and getting our name out there.”

The society has been great in helping with creating the historical ambience of the restaurant, said La Cañada Flintridge resident Diane Slaught, general manager of Hillcrest Development in Los Angeles.

“They have just come to us with open arms with help and provided all the pictures for our decor and we will continue building that relationship with them,” she said.

The tavern will remain open until midnight on Sunday to give residents an early opportunity to check it out prior to the public opening on Tuesday. The menu offers health-conscious items and no hard alcohol — just craft beer, wine and hard cider, Slaught said. There are gluten-free and vegan options.

BTAC beloved volunteer retires

Fellow employees, volunteers and clients are missing Stacy Schumacher who has retired from Burbank Temporary Aid Center. She was hired as Executive Administrative Director in 1994 after volunteering for several years at BTAC. Her title at retirement was Intake Manager and in that position, she interviewed incoming clients and provided them with what they needed.

To honor her, the BTAC board of directors has named a room after her, “The Stacy Schumacher Food Pantry.” The naming was sponsored by Warner Bros. Studios, also a longtime supporter of BTAC.

Schumacher has been an important part of BTAC’s history, said Susan Borders, chair of the board of directors.

“She has helped provide stability during times of transition,” she said. “Her good heart and commitment to BTAC will be missed.”

Employee Helen Brazell called Schumacher warm, kind, caring, compassionate and composed under pressure.

“I have never seen her upset. She always seems nonplused and always in a good mood,” Brazell said.

What has changed the most over the years is the rise in the number of clients, Schumacher said, especially in the last 10 years.

“We would be surprised to have 30 clients in a day back then,” said Schumacher. “Today we can have 30 in an hour.”

Schumacher, who lives in Glendale, plans to spend more time with her husband and grandkids. But she will reserve some time to return to BTAC as a volunteer, she promised.

Civitans host BCR dance

Burbank Civitan Club members hosted the last dance of the school year for BCR “a place to grow” in June at McCambridge Recreation Center.

More than 100 persons were served pizza, cookies and beverages. A check for $1,200 was presented to BCR board member Pam Roldan by Civitan Club President Randy Garcia. Helping to keep the evening running smoothly were members of the BCR administrative staff and Civitan members and guests, including Dee Dee Ruhlow, Shari Epstein, Richard Bertain, Bobbie Garcia, Gaye Guilmette, President-Elect, Elaine Paonessa and Jackson Bertain.

For membership information, call Elaine at (818) 845-6851 or attend a Burbank Civitan event.

JOYCE RUDOLPH can be contacted at
