
On the Town: Julie McArdle installed as president of hospital guild for a third time

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The phrase “third time’s a charm,” which has origins in the Holy Trinity of Christianity, first appeared in print in Elizabeth Barrett Browning’s 1839 work “Letters Addressed to R.H. Horne,” in which she wrote: “The luck of the third adventure is proverbial.”

If, in fact, the charm of success does come with doing something for the third time, Julie McArdle, the newly sworn-in president of the Providence St. Joseph Medical Center Guild, will preside over a term filled with accomplishments.

Having served as the guild’s president twice before, McArdle took the presidential reins for the third time during an installation tea chaired by Ollie Vick at Lakeside Golf Club on June 12.

As she accepted the presidential gavel from Donna Mahoney, outgoing president, McArdle addressed guild members and representatives from Providence St. Joseph Foundation by emphasizing her leadership hat trick.

In keeping with her theme, that the third time’s a charm, McArdle referenced what former Los Angeles Dodgers manager Tommy Lasorda once said about the three types of people he encountered during his career: People who make it happen, people who watch what happens and people who wonder what happened.

“We, as members of the guild, need to be that first group,” McArdle said. “We must be committed to keep positive, stay strong, open our minds to new ideas and make things happen.”

Wasting no time in making good on that commitment, McArdle began her term by presenting Darren Goss, who serves as Providence St. Joseph’s Medical Center’s chief operations officer, with a $100,000 check.

“The members of the guild give of their time, talent, experience and expertise in healthcare to make things happen, and that’s a big deal to me,” Goss said.

“It is an honor to accept this check, of which every dollar will go toward the building of our new emergency department, from this dedicated group whose legacy of support goes back so many years and has gotten stronger as every year goes by,” Goss added.

Along with the swearing-in of McArdle, the event also saw the installation of her executive board made up of Patricia O’Donnell, first vice president; P. Kristin Reiter, second vice president; Kathleen Marsden, recording secretary; Norma Patino, correspondence secretary; Rhoberta Kerr, treasurer; and Patricia Heaton, parliamentarian.

The board also includes Patricia Cimo, who will oversee the guild’s finances; Patt Scully and Maria Balke, who will co-chair the organization’s major fundraiser, which is held each spring; Kris Reiter and Charlene Green, who will handle special events; Jackie Van Beveren, who will serve as the guild’s gift shop coordinator; Maureen Walsh, who will provide publicity and press assistance; and Lupe Llamas, who will be responsible for programs.

Other guild members who will play important roles this year are Marian Enos, Charlene “Chuckie” Green, Carol Murphy, Sharon Grooms, Vickie Jackson, Jill Allen, Lori Riela and, from the foundation, Renee Bianco and Debra King.

“I promise you, this will not be a year of three strikes and you’re out,” McArdle said at the conclusion of the installation tea.

“Instead, it will be a year in which we will embrace the three most important things in life: To be kind, to be kind and to be kind. Let’s do this,” she added.

David Laurell may be reached by email at or (818) 563-1007.

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