
Odyssey, Iliad for families is coming

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Family entertainment is coming to Burbank as a result of a joint effort by Enrichment Works and the Grove Theater Center in Izay Park.

GTC offers new works and adult-themed plays, but Enrichment Works focuses on younger audiences. Its shows have been seen by more than 500,000 schoolchildren, said Donna Wood-Babcock, executive director.

The new series, titled “Second Saturdays,” features a different children’s play the second Saturday of every month at the Grove Theater Center - Burbank. The next performance is at 11 a.m. Aug. 11 and is a “pay what you can” performance to introduce the program to Burbank families.

The play is “Voyage of Odysseus”, Josh Feinman’s interactive presentation that combines a little “Iliad” and a lot of “Odyssey.” The theater is at 1111-B W. Olive Ave., behind Olive Recreation Center. For more information, visit

Church unites to recycle goods

Unity Burbank is sponsoring its first Circulation Day, an opportunity for the community to donate items in good shape that can be passed to others at no cost. It will be from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Aug. 18 at the church, 637 S. Victory Blvd., Burbank. There will be children’s clothing and household items.

Those who donate items get first choice on everything from 9 to 10 a.m. Donations can be brought to the church from noon to 8 p.m. Aug. 17 and 7 to 9 a.m. Aug. 18. For more information, call (818) 841-4037.

Class of 1972 has reunion weekend

Burbank High School’s Class of 1972 has several events planned over the weekend of Aug. 17 and 18 to celebrate its 40th reunion. There is a golf tournament, a city tour and a burger-and-fries night at Bob’s Big Boy in Sun Valley planned for Friday.

A tour of Burbank High School, lunch at Shakey’s Pizza and dinner at Pickwick Gardens will be on Saturday. Tickets are $75 per person and can be purchased at the door (cash only). Alumni from other classes can also attend.

“When I think of our hometown, good old Burbank, my fondest memories are always about family, friends and places where great times were shared,” said Class President Craig Lark. “I can’t wait for the reunion to reminisce and reconnect with everyone in our class.”

A website,, was established to keep all classmates connected. In addition, there is a Facebook page set up at

Couple named adoption angels

Rep. Adam Schiff (D-Burbank) has selected Greg and Leah Switzer as recipients of the 29th Congressional District “Angels in Adoption” award, an annual honor sponsored by the Congressional Coalition on Adoption Institute. The Switzers were nominated by the Boys & Girls Club of Burbank and Greater East Valley.

“Greg and Leah have demonstrated such great compassion throughout the foster care and adoption process, and their love for Peter, Alex and Elizabeth make them an ideal choice for recognition as true Angels in Adoption,” Schiff said. “By adopting a young sibling trio, they mended a broken family and created a new one — exactly what we hope for in our foster system. We are very fortunate to have their shining example as wonderful parents who have opened their hearts and home to three wonderful children.”

The Switzers attended an adoption fair in 2007 in Altadena and met a young sibling trio they wanted to adopt. The children were brothers Peter and Alex, and sister, Elizabeth. The children had been living in various foster homes for six years.

In addition to being a large sibling group, the children had special needs, which the Switzer family worked together to overcome. Peter, 15, is an honors student and active in the Boys & Girls Club of Burbank and Greater East Valley, and Elizabeth, 13, and Alex, 11, are involved in the youth group at Magnolia Park United Methodist Church in Burbank. All three children volunteer and give back to the community.

To nominate someone for next year’s award, contact Schiff’s district office at (626) 304-2727.

JOYCE RUDOLPH can be contacted at
